47 research outputs found

    What is a genuine intuitionistic notion of falsity?

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    I highlight the importance of the notion of falsity for a semantical consideration of intuitionistic logic. One can find two principal (and non-equivalent) versions of such a notion in the literature, namely, falsity as non-truth and falsity as truth of a negative proposition. I argue in favor of the first version as the genuine intuitionistic notion of falsity

    Relevant properties

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    I would like to start my paper with the following statement of Barry Smith: “Relevance logic has become ontologically fertile.

    Is time reversible?

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    This paper presents an elementary logical proof of time irreversibility. To this effect, we construct a simple mathematical model of a process, which can demonstrably be shown to be irreversible in the sense that it cannot be reproduced in a backward direction by the very conditions of its construction. To model this process we employ a puzzle problem (paradox) referred to in the literature as “Austin’s Dog” or “Trojan Fly”

    The logical way of being true: Truth values and the ontological foundation of logic

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    In this paper I reject the normative interpretation of logic and give reasons for a realistic account based on the ontological treatment of logical values

    A Theory of Relevant Properties I: Reflections and Definitions

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    A Theory of Relevant Properties I: Reflections and Definitions

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    The Nature of Scientific Philosophy

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    The goal of this paper is to explain the nature of philosophy as a distinct science with its own subject-matter. This is achieved through a comparative analysis of mathematical and philosophical knowledge that reveals a profound similarity between mathematics and philosophy as mutually complementary sciences exploring the field of abstract entities that can be comprehended only by purely a priori theoretical inquiry. By considering this complementarity, a general definition of philosophy can be obtained by dualizing the traditional Aristotelian definition of mathematics as the “science of quantity”. Philosophy should thus be interpreted as an a priori science of the pure qualitative attributes of being

    Філософія: наука чи світогляд?

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    The paper criticizes the approach to philosophy as to a world-view and refutes the objections against the scientific nature of philosophy.В статті піддається критиці погляд на філософію як на світогляд і спростовуються заперечення щодо ненаукової природи філософії

    Природа фiлософiї та її предмет

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    The paper presents an approach to philosophy as an a priori science on pure qualitative determinations of being.У статтi обгрунтовується розумiння фiлософiї як апрiорної науки про чистi якiснi визначеностi буття